
LupEND to be Three Discs!

Mr. Fiasco always throws curveballs. Whether it's songs like Hurt Me Soul where he lists all the world's ills, or a concept album based on three characters like The Cool, he's innovative to say the least. I know we've all been expecting new shit from Lupe, and as he said on his last album, the upcoming one will be his last.

The album is entitled LupEND, and according to a show he recently did at Congress Theater, the album will be a 3-disc set. Fittingly, they'll be titled Everywhere, Nowhere and Down Here. Get it? E.N.D.?

That's a whole lot of new ish from the man, and that makes for a very exciting Saturday. Expect Soundtrakk to go off on the album(s).

"It ain't just gonna be one album. There are going to be 3...I love this too much to just go out with one album." - Lupe

Thank god he's not off in Paris writing a book...yet.

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