
Impressively Cool Kids

Hey everyone, I haven't written in a while, but I'm back in full swing and the summer shall bring new...news. So there's been some hot music as of late, from Erykah Badu's overdue return, to the new Roots album to the Estelle's sophomore album and the Cool Kids EP. All of these albums are great, and really different sounding, but it's definitely a relief to hear artists still making music, with so many rappers who live off one single for years.

With that being said, I'm really impressed with what the Cool Kids have been doing, and as unsuspecting and ridiculous as their music may seem, they may have uncovered the future of the industry. The Cool Kids have been performing live for about a year and a half now, and have gotten some great buzz as they've opened for super-hipster M.I.A. and held the main stage at festivals like Coachella and S/SW. After getting all of the road buzz, they released a few songs to their MySpace and several online outlets, for free. Then, after a lot of internet advertising and forum-buzz, they released their debut EP through iTunes...on their own label. No middle man, no major labels, no distributors, no SOLID COPIES. They wen't completely digital, and every single dollar earned from sales was theirs and Apple's. For two kids under 22 years old, even a couple thousand copies (which would be horrible by a major label's standards) means direct profit.

It's brilliant. Just wait for this to happen more and more, and for the Def Jam's, Atlantic's and Interscope's to break down as soon as it does.

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